I have another blog in which I write specifically about me, myself and I. I have the other blog to document my life and look back at myself. Check it out. here
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
My Private Blog.....
Interesting Building...
Every time I see and interesting building I will take a picture and post it. Today I was driving through San Rafael and I noticed one building more than usual. I've been here over 12 years (and I'm sure the building has been there longer) and it was the first time I stopped to examine the building. It is pretty cool. Here it is.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
How many homes foreclosed in you neighborhood?
I love the San Francisco Chronicle. It is a really good source for alot of information regarding the Bay Area and sometimes California.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
"Mexico's Navy Seized a Homemade Submarine Carrying a Drug Shipment."

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
When do jokes cross the line?
Everyone is talking about it.. the cover of "The New Yorker."
New Post!
So I'm sitting in the cafeteria of College of Marin, as I type this.
I'm really only thinking of how hard life is for me and my family right now. The bankruptcy of our home city plus the housing slump has taken a direct shot at my family and we may be loosing our house. That, however, is not the extent of our problems. I can't get a job because I leave for Irvine in late September. I've applied to so many places, it's a bit ridiculous. I have applied everywhere from Borders Bookstore to Wells Fargo Bank, From Mervyn's to Best Buy. I can't get a job, the typical response is, "We are very sorry, you are qualified for our job but we require a minumum of 6 months employment to work." What bullshit! The moment in my life that I need a job the most. Plus it doesn't help that gas just went up to almost 5 dollars per gallon.
So why am I sitting at the cafeteria at College of Marin? I'm waiting for Gloria (my girlfreind) to get out of her class. I have class from 9:00am-12:00pm and since I don't want to waste money by unnecesarily driving. I just wait until Gloria gets out--she finishes her classes at 3:00pm.
I still attend UC Irvine, I'm just taking summer classes at my local community college to graduate faster.
I'm sorry I haven't posted anything lately but its been rough. real rough.
I should get back to my regular posting not that I have more time.