I'm kind of going through a tough time right now. I always find myself fighting people who talk bad about Mexicans and don't understand our culture. This whole Swine Flu problem has made things really difficult on me. So I started a different blog on Mexican American opinions. I will still keep this blog but also write in the other one. I would hope you could visit it from time to time.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
New Blog
If you want to know a little bit about a Mexican point of view on modern issues than I recommend my other blog...also authored by my girlfriend.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Why the racism?
Well, it seems like Mexico just made its first car.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
The truth behind the fall of the Big 3....
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
BitterSweet Moment
Well, the day after the election.

Sunday, September 7, 2008
Palin church promotes converting gays
"Gov. Sarah Palin's church is promoting a conference that promises to convert gays into heterosexuals through the power of prayer."
What?! I didn't even finish reading the article. I read this and I was offended. I honestly was, even though I'm not gay. I felt for my friends that are gay, I will fight this to the end. This BITCH will not make it into the white house. She will not, she can not. This conservative scum needs to open her eyes and accept other people for the way they are. This is just as bad as racism and sexism, perhaps worse.
If you want to read this article click here.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Time for Change....and I don't mean Obama

Think about it. Use any example. All wars have been fought because people don’t want to accept change or something different. My advice is to change with the world. How boring would it be if we were all the same color and we were all the same culture? If the Chinese didn’t have buildings with cool, curvy roofs or if the Aztecs didn’t have those tall stone pyramids. How boring. We are blessed with diversity and with a changing world. We, as humans, must change with the world in order for us to advance and live happily. We must accept views, ideas, lifestyles, food, culture, race, ethnicity different than ours. We must accept it. Change is inevitable, let’s be part of the change instead of preventing and being afraid of change. It’s time.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
What do you think?
I just found this photo on one of my favorite blogs at williamlobdell.com,
What do you think?
Do you think God, would want this woman to run fully covered?
I'm not quite sure I understand.....
Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against this woman or her religion. But I just don't get it sometimes.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Just stealing money........
Paul Dahliwal, shown here in the photo, is a survivor of a tiger attack at the San Francisco Zoo.
Paul is the younger of two brothers who were attacked by a tiger about one year ago. Paul was with his brother and a freind. The freind died at the scene.
The family of Paul and Carlos Sousa (the freind who was killed) are preparing to sue the San Francisco Zoo for suffering serious injuries and emotional harm.
That is the basic story, but I'm not sure I quite believe this to be true. Paul has recently been sentenced to jail for stealing, possesing marijuana and for leading police on an 140mph chase. Something makes me believe that when they went to the zoo they weren't behaving like angels. Many witnesses at the zoo that fatal day said that the three boys were taunting and harrasing the animals.
I don't believe that it is completely the zoo fault for the attacks. I believe it is as much the kids fault as it is the zoo's. The three men brought it upon themselves. The tiger was taunted, probably scared.
BUT, the Zoo did have its faults because it should have assured that the tigers couldn't escape.
Paul is just searching for money from the SF Zoo and The City.
I hope the SF Zoo has a good lawyer, Paul is just a goldigger looking for money to pay his other court dues.
Send him to jail.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
"Human-rights groups in France and Germany have sought to bring proceedings under universal jurisdiction against Donald Rumsfeld"
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Video has been taken off...
So my last post has now become worthless because YouTube has taken the video off the air. I went back onto YouTube and clicked on the video that I uploaded and here was the message that came up:
Apparently, the video was taken down due to "third party copyright claim." Can someone please explain that to me?
Luckily, I found another video, it doesn't have the full clip but it is good enough.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Terrorist at home?....
Have you heard of the carbombings in Santa Cruz, CA? probably not because the media didn't call it a carbombing....it was just a firebomb.
according to sfgate.com, some animal rights activist bombed the cars and homes of some UC Santa Cruz professors.
The professors were experimenting on animals, more specifically, mice and rats. The activists did not like this, so I guess they decided to bomb the professors house (I'm not sure I see the logic in that.)
It wasn't only one professor it was two, whose houses were bombed, and another who received threatening calls. One professor even had to climb out of his second story house with a latter, he was with his wife and two children, who are both under 8 years old.
So I guess that humans aren't animals? The activists didn't want the professors killing the mice but they put a professor and his family in danger? I dont get it....
Check this video out!
I'm sure you have seen it, John McCain new ad.
I love the random snip of Britney Spears and Paris Hilton....haha
GO Obama!
William Lobdell
was the man who go me into blogging. Well, he was actually one of my professor at UC Irvine.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
More Interesting Photos of San Rafael.....
I took some more interesting photos the other day. I took photos of buildings that were out of the ordinary. In other words, buildings and structures that you won't find in another city.
Highway 101 overpassing San Rafael at 3rd street.
"The French Quarter" at San Rafael, this is right next to the 101 overpass in the previous photo. It is located on the corner of 3rd st. and Irwin St.
I only have these for now, I'll post more interesting photos later.Tuesday, July 29, 2008
My Private Blog.....
I have another blog in which I write specifically about me, myself and I. I have the other blog to document my life and look back at myself. Check it out. here
Interesting Building...
Every time I see and interesting building I will take a picture and post it. Today I was driving through San Rafael and I noticed one building more than usual. I've been here over 12 years (and I'm sure the building has been there longer) and it was the first time I stopped to examine the building. It is pretty cool. Here it is.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
How many homes foreclosed in you neighborhood?
I love the San Francisco Chronicle. It is a really good source for alot of information regarding the Bay Area and sometimes California.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
"Mexico's Navy Seized a Homemade Submarine Carrying a Drug Shipment."